Monday, March 30, 2020

The Advantages of Working from Home

With all due respect to everyone still out there on the frontlines keeping us safe, fed, etc.
  1. When you’re at the office, you can’t stop what you’re doing to give your dog a bath or a nail trim.
  2. Also, when you’re at the office, the boss tends to frown on those frequent 15-minute Netflix breaks. Obviously, they haven’t jumped aboard the TIGER KING train yet.
  3. At home, lunch hour quickly evolves into “happy hour.”
  4. At home, you can work from the comfort of your own underwear.
  5. The bathroom at home is more conducive to you concentrating on your important business than the one at the office.
  6. At home, you can crank your Black Sabbath and AC/DC at full volume without headphones.
  7. If you steal office supplies from your home office, they really can’t fire you for that.
  8. It’s not much of a leap from working from home to working from bed.
BONUS! Here's Monday's Maddison of the Day photo.

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